
My love of Disney and how I helps you

What do I do? I help or take care of your planning at Disney in the parks.

I help you plan your days in the Disney Parks to take the stress and guess work out and put the fun in!  It is not about scheduling your days in the parks, it is about planning them. I will walk you through the Disney planning process so we can create YOUR Disney experience.

Let’s start with the date-Sometimes you will have a specific date picked out, other times you are looking for guidance.  I will guide you to what is most important to you- crowd levels, time of year.  Weather, crowd levels and school breaks can affect your time in the parks and it is important to know this for better planning of your days in the park. The busiest week at Disney is Christmas.  You need to know about crowd levels at different times of the year before you go to plan accordingly.

Accommodations is the next big area to cover.  The choices of on-site vs. off site, Also, if you are a Veteran, you can choose to stay at Shades of Green Resort, which is on Disney property. We will discuss all options to determine what is best for your party and your budget.

Staying on site gives you many perks including:

Magical Express (FREE bus transportation from Orlando Airport to your Disney Resort)

Booking advanced dining reservations and fastpass reservation perks( I refer to the fastpass as the go to the head of the line ticket)

FREE Magic Bands (Magic Bands are your tickets onto Magical Express, your room tickets, your park tickets, and your dining plan tickets

You can even set up your Magic Band so you can charge to your room (Dollar amounts depend on resort level)

You can use Disney transportation to get you to your resort and parks while you are there.

Off site can be less costly but with many more choices. These include off site hotels, time shares, family, friends, house rentals, (I think you get the point)

You probably will want to rent a car as well.  Keep in mind it is currently $20/day to park at Disney.

You are still eligible to book your Fastpass reservations at 30 days out from each day you are there, this is a FREE service provided by Disney. You will want to buy your Magic Bands to use while at Disney.

You will still be able to make your dining reservations 180 days out for each reservation.

Being off site you can more easily go to different areas of interest and many of the off-site locations will have a kitchen or kitchenette which can save on the food budget.


Ok so we have our date, and we have our accommodations, now we decide if we drive or fly.  Mostly from up here we will fly.  I recommend flying as driving can have you arrive tired.  You want to arrive rested as you are going to have some very busy and active days.

Great, we are all set except for which parks and what days.  By my meeting up with you and asking questions about your wants and needs we can come up with an agenda that is best for your party.  Also, I have developed several questionnaire’s that I use to further determine what is most important to you and your group.  I am sorry to say YOU CANNOT DO EVERYTHING.  You need and want to pick what is most important!!

With your information I will create and agenda of what parks and what days to be in said parks.  It no longer works to get up in the morning and say,” gee which park will I go to today?” You need to plan.  My husband and I kid “It is Monday so it must be Epcot”. There are DEFINTIELY better days to be in certain parks and I will make sure you are in them.  This is why we create your personal agenda.

Once we have created the agenda I create touring plans for you.  These plans will give you your plan of attack for the day.  What rides to hit first, and at approximately what times, what rides to use your Fastpasses on and what rides do not need to worry about Fastpasses.

By some good planning we can take most of the stress out of your day in the park and you can then enjoy.  We plan so you are not spending the day standing in line waiting for a ride or attraction. Who wants to spend the day standing in line? I know I do not, usually it’s just too hot for that!!

So back to the original question- What do I do?

I help you plan your days in the Disney Park and give you some tips and tricks so you have a magical Disney vacation.  We plan for you to have fun!!

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