

Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party is one of two reasons I go to Disney in October.  It is such a fun night!! You cannot beat the Hallowishes Fireworks and Boo To You Parade!! RECOMMENDATION- Choose a costume that is light weight as it probably is going to be hot!! Wigs and hats only make you hotter, so think aobut this:) I speak from experience with my Cruella wig and “fur” coat. It is such fun to trick or treat at Magic Kingdom and you always get good candy.  This year they also had tokens that children/people with allergies could get instead and turn in for their own special treats at multiple locations. THe sanderson sisters create quite a show in front of the castle and we get to see LOTS of Villians- this makes for a great night!! The ticket shows from 7PM-Midnight but you can get in aorund 4 PM, get your special wrist band and of course your candy bag.  This year they had bonus goodies in bag when they gave it to you:)  YUMMY!WDW2010 232

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