People often ask about important dates when planning at Disney. It is important to know the 180,60 and 30 day marks for your trip to ,make sure you get your best results.
For dining reservations you can start at 180 days out from either your arrival day at Disney or your first day in the park. When staying on site you can book for up to 10 days from your day of arrival at the 180 day mark of your arrival. Many go into the park on the first day but some also rest and enjoy the resort on arrival day. If making reservations on line you start at 6 AM EST. If you are calling in a reservation then it is at 7 AM EST. MAKE SURE TO HAVE A CREDIT CARD LISTED IN YOUR MY DISNEY EXPERIENCE ACCOUNT. They do not charge, except for a couple places like Cinderella’s Royal Table, this saves your reservation. Also, if you are a no show or do not cancel at least 24 hours in advance (dining events require a long time prior to cancel) you will be charged $10 per person on the reservation. This can be costly so please be careful.
When staying on site you can make your fastpass (ride reservations) at the 60 day mark of your arrival. If you are staying off site it is 30 days. These reservations are connected to your MDE (My Disney Experience account) so it is very important to have your tickets PRIOR to these dates and have them linked into your MDE account.
Remember it is actual days not calendar. By this I mean that if you are looking at 60 days from July 15, it would be 5/16, remember that July has 31 days. I recommend using the PS Calculator It is their app and it works great!!
Wishing you success in getting all the reservations you want to have!!