
Happy Place

Most of you know that Disney is my happy place.  I understand that is not the case for everyone.  My biggest dream is that everyone has a happy place.  Disney, the beach, Europe, the lake, the mountains, you name it!  Just make sure you name it.

The reason that I go to Disney for my happy place is the joy it brings.  I am not just talking about the joy it brings me but the joy it brings to others.  Walking around Disney I am always watching (think Roz in Monsters Inc).  I look for smiles and laughter on children young and old to see this joy.  Do you know what I mean?  Watching a child hug Mickey for the first time or meet that Princess they just love.  That is the joy I am talking about.  Looking to see and hear the screams of joy and fun on a roller coaster.  This is all happening at my happy place.

Let’s see the look on someone’s face when they try a Disney treat for the first time.  Or maybe it’s a return trip and the snack that you can only get at Disney??  personally, I love getting my pineapple dole whip.  My most favorite treat of all is the caramel corn at Epcot’s Germany section!!  Have you had it?  You must try it as it is amazing!!

So, where is your happy place??  Is it the ocean and the beach?  I know that people feel at peace on the beach just relaxing while doing nothing.  I have seen the look on someone’s face as they just chill on the beach.  Others are off to the mountains to hike or camp or both.  Maybe you are off on a cruise ship to the Caribbean or Panama Canal.  As Dr. Seuss said “oh the places we will go”.  Where will you be going?

When you are ready to talk about travel to your happy place reach out to me.  Everyone needs and therefore, should have a happy place.

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