This is a difficult time for us at this time as well is for so many out there. Reaching out to let people know that this is the time to be kind and be patient.
I am very saddened for those that had to cancel or postpone their trips to Disney. It is hard as a parent trying to explain to a child that they are not going to Disney or the trip is delayed. This is a difficult time.
Also, the people who were going to have this one opportunity to go to Disney and now they cannot. Dreams have been broken and we are as well. Keep up on what is happening at the Disney website
I want to look at this with hope. This too will pass and the happy times will return. Please do take all the precautions you can to keep you and your family safe. Being healthy is a proactive matter.
Start planning your next trip to Disney or wherever you want to go! Plan so you can look forward to the sunshine and happiness again. Please reach out with any questions or concerns about Disney. Happy to have a free 30 minute consultation with you
Be well.